Inconstant Moon

Publication date: 
Publication type: 
Short Story
All the Myriad Ways
Opus No.: 
Stand Alone
Stan & Leslie
Hugo winner

This story raises the question: How would you spend your last night on Earth? When the Moon suddenly starts shining brighter, Stan and Leslie realize the sun must have gone nova and they only have a few hours until the Earth rotates into the deadly sunshine. This story won a Hugo Award and was made into an episode of The Outer Limits.


Made into an episode of "Outer Limits," mid 1990s


Reprints Characters Awards Notes Anthology, Best Science Fiction for 1972, edited by Frederik Pohl; The Hugo Winners, Volume 3 edited by Isaac Asimov; anthology, The Best of All Possible Worlds, edited by Spider Robinson; paper, anthology, Heyne Science Fiction, Jahresband 1982, as "Weschelhafter Mond," by Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, München; The World Treasury of Science Fiction, ed. David G. Hartwell, Little Brown 1989; anthology, Armageddons, ed. Jack Dann & Gardner Dozois, Ace 1999; anthology, Masterpieces, Orson Scott Card, editor, Ace, 2001; Inconstant Moon; N-Space; Best of Larry Niven, The